Support Union Avenue Opera
Every dollar counts.
Individual support at Union Avenue Opera accounts for nearly 40 percent of our annual budget. UAO’s mission is to provide professional opportunities for gifted, emerging artists, directors, and technicians and to offer vibrant and affordable opera experiences in original languages to a broad audience. Without the support of loyal patrons like you, we could not pursue this work.
Join the Comprimario Society 
The most fundamental way you can be involved with Union Avenue Opera is through a charitable donation. Donations make up more than 40 percent of our operating budget and every gift counts. Membership in UAO’s Comprimario Society is renewable yearly.
All members of the Comprimario Society enjoy advance ticketing, recognition in the program book as member of the Comprimario Society, and an invitation to all special events. Members at the Patron level and higher have ticket exchange fees waived)
Membership Levels
Supporter [$100 – $249]
Patron [$250 – $499]
Benefactor [$500 – $999]
Guarantor [$1,000 – $2,999]
Director [$3,000 – $4,999]
Angel [$5,000 – $9,999]
Producer [$10,000 and above]
To see if you qualify as a society member call 314.361.2881 and ask for Emily.
Union Avenue Opera now offers Monthly Recurring Payments. Giving has never been easier. Simply select how often you would like to make your gift (monthly or quarterly) and let our system do the rest. Monthly giving will automatically renew.
Union Avenue Opera is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in Missouri under the Internal Revenue Service Code. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
Individuals who give to UAO are eligible for inclusion in the Comprimario Society.
It is easy to donate to UAO. Click below to donate online or checks can be made out to Union Avenue Opera and mailed to 733 N. Union Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108.
Workplace and Matching Gifts
Your gift can go even farther.
Increase your contribution to Union Avenue Opera with your company’s matching gift program. To find out if your company participates and the amount they will match, please contact your company’s human resources department. Workplace giving and matching gifts can sometimes double or even triple your gift. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.
How do I apply for a Matching Gift?
- Contact your human resource office to obtain a matching gift form.
- Complete the “employee” portion of the form and mail it to Union Avenue Opera along with your donation.
- UAO will complete the form and forward it to your employer’s matching gifts office for processing and the company will sent its matching gift directly to UAO.